Hello lovelies! I have been missing reading your blogs, seeing what you've been up to, just too busy. Too busy for anything these days, ...
Hello lovelies! I have been missing reading your blogs, seeing what you've been up to, just too busy. Too busy for anything these days, ...
What happens when you take a gently curving space and apply sharp angles and linear elements? this. Not something you usually see in a kitch...
It's Victoria Day in Canada, which celebrate's Queen Victoria's (England) birthday. We view this as the unofficial start of summ...
for anyone who remembers the eighties, chintz may be a dirty word. I remember wearing a Laura Ashley dress and pearls as my sister's mai...
Remember when I showed you that pic of that mudcloth I found for a steal on ebay? Well, it arrived in the mail last week. Yesterday I built ...
Found this yesterday via the Marcus Design blog . I don't usually re-blog, but this console and the vignette is one of the best things ...
Space is the ultimate luxury. I forget where I read that, but it's true. It doesn't matter how large your home is, it seems most of ...
If one is good, then eleven is perfection, no? Had a crazy, busy weekend, and now a crazy, busy week - when it rains it pours... hope you a...
Spring always brings on a desire for lively colour and a bit a whimsy. Its time to throw open the windows and revel in the sunshine, yes? Th...