Lately I have been sighing over all things campaign.
My old desk has been dying a slow death,
and although I've resisted, it's time to move on.
however, since some other projects are happening here right now,
1st dibs pricing isn't quite aligned with my budget of, say, nothing, lol.
The plethora of success stories other bloggers have had finding vintage pieces left me hoping
I would discover a little slice of campaign heaven for myself...
and then, yesterday, there she was, on kijiji.
(The photos were pretty bad, thankfully, or I probably would have had to compete for this one.)
Loooook at her.
She needs a makeover, life has been a tad unkind...
I'll start with stripping the top section
to reveal what she's got going on under all that unfortunate mahogany stain.
If it's lovely she will be re-stained, but if it's not....
1 2 3
If it's lovely she will be re-stained, but if it's not....
1 2 3
what do think?
Just oozes potential, right?
Just oozes potential, right?
Hoping to get started this weekend, but the kids have a day off tomorrow...
and between a sleepover, trip to Wonderland, three kids bday parties,
a bbq (here!), and a 60th birthday dinner...
it may be next week :)
Thankfully, it's the last weekend of kids swimming lessons saturday morning -
don't know what I was thinking when I booked those -
I haven't been able to get out junktiquing at any yard sales all spring!!
What are you creative darlings all up to this weekend?
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