Since we're working on the eldest darlings room right now,
and she fancies herself something of a fashionista,
we were desperate for jewelry and accessories storage.
She really wanted to have her necklaces out on display,
and so the search began for a pretty way to style them up...
All in a row, neat and tidy.
or tucked into frames....
amongst gallery wall of fanciful hooks and baubles...
or hung on almost invisible hooks and nails,
necklaces cascading grandly down the wall....
Isn't that a dreamy vanity?
Although we both loved the idea of the necklaces being the focus,
Tash wanted them hung on hooks that had a little personality as well.
She wanted something unique, that no one else would have,
(who does she take after?!!)
and so we decided to head to the re-store,
to pick up an odd assortment on mis-matched hooks and paint them white.
That way they would add interest, but still blend in with her new white walls.
Then we stopped by homesense :) to source something for a client,
and voila -
there it was..
In all it's bad burnished gold beauty!
A metal tree sculpture, the perfect size for her wall,
with umpteen "hooks".
after a coat of white spray paint we had our solution,
for a whopping total of $20.00!
Styled up by Miss N herself :)
What do you think?
Works perfectly, right?
Simple, organic but still modern,
and the necklaces are the stars.
We've just got to get the window's and floor dressed, and I'll show you the rest -
happy tuesday - x

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