It's a sunday, not a usual blogging day 'round here,
but the amazing DIY extraodinaire Barbara of the HodgePodge blog
recently asked me to take part in her So Canadian, eh? series,
and of course I said yes!
You can pop over and read it if you like...
Such an honour to be featured alongside the talented designers she always has lined up for us,
and it's always so interesting to read how they got started, their best advice, and so on.
Thank you very much, Barbara, for having me over today!!
Hope that one day we manage to meet somewhere between Vancouver and Toronto...
maybe we can do a vintage run together somewhere around Calgary :)
I have a feeling you would be a fabulous thrifting partner, lol.
maybe we can do a vintage run together somewhere around Calgary :)
I have a feeling you would be a fabulous thrifting partner, lol.
On the colour front, since we've already talked about
choosing a grey for your walls, pink and grey, and green and grey,
I thought next week maybe we'd talk about one of the most common challenges my clients
are dealing with when trying to bring grey into their palettes -
hope you'll stop and in share your thoughts.
choosing a grey for your walls, pink and grey, and green and grey,
I thought next week maybe we'd talk about one of the most common challenges my clients
are dealing with when trying to bring grey into their palettes -
hope you'll stop and in share your thoughts.
happy Sunday, lovelies - x

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