Hello lovely friends!
t's been a week of highs and lows,
and one that has made me realize a few things...
the first is that I need to make more time for my family right now...
and that means certain things need to take a backseat... like this blog.
so thank you for sticking by me, and dropping in and reading,
I am going to take a blogcation 'til the new year...
I'll come back happier and more inspired, with heaps of useful colour posts - promise!
since I had a couple of giveaways lined up for the holidays,
they will be here for the taking in January!

Also, last year we did a really cool re-organizing link-up party, with The Great Clean Out.
Since January seems to the the time to clean up and clear out,
I'm thinking about hosting another one this year.
I've got at least six or seven spaces that could benefit from "the treatment" around here :)
We found it was really motivating to all do it together last year -
because when you really just wanted to stuff everything back in and shut the doors,
you knew you weren't alone, and that all the other ladies were feeling the same thing!
You also knew you had committed to a reveal, and so you just got it done -
and it felt so great after!!
So, if you'd like to tackle something around your place
(anything, from a cupboard to a room!)
please email me at amezeard@10rooms.com
and we'll figure out a posting date late jan/early feb that works for everyone....
Hope you all have the Merriest of Christmases
and Happiest of New Years Eves.

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