Happy monday!
How was your weekend?
I was bit under the weather this weekend, so not much got accomplished around here -
did manage to squeeze in a wee bit of time for pinterest, somehow -
funny how that happens, lol...
When I saw this kitchen pinned over the weekend my jaw dropped.
Barrel-vaulted brick ceiling.
Exquisite painted timber floor.
Open shelving + lattice cabinetry.
Art + a few hits of playful colour.
Spaces like this make me want to ditch this place and move into a century home stat.
A little digging, and found the rest of this home via apartment therapy and kikette interiors.
It has a very consistent look.
The white walls continue throughout, as do those floors.
The decor is clean neutrals, again with the pops of colour place sparingly.
There was one detail that I absolutely loved.
Look at the way they've lit their artwork.
Wall-mounted reading/work lights that not only light up these pieces in the evenings,
but also to frame the art and draw the eye in the daylight.
They become part of the composition.
I've never been a huge fan of those unappealing mini lights tucked in over the top of the frame -
they aspire to be invisible but just end up a visual distraction -
but these are a different story, yes?
If you're interested, here are a few versions from...
must be off, busy, busy day today...
hope you all have a lovely monday....x

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