Kreativ Blogger award last friday -
I'm honoured to be in such good company :)
and once I read that you were a fellow leftie, I understood why we get each other!
the ever-sweet Carol of The Design Pages has tagged me in a game
where you answer 11 questions about yourself...
wish we lived closer because I think we'd get on quite well in real life...
where you answer 11 questions about yourself...
wish we lived closer because I think we'd get on quite well in real life...
The rules are simple, post answers to the 11 questions Carol laid out for me, then tag 11 other bloggers,
and give them 11 questions to answer (and let them know they were tagged, of course!)
We all get to learn a bit more about each other this way..
1. What did you do last Friday night?
I picked up my parents and brought them up to our house for the weekend
(it was Cam's 10th bday, and we had 3 parties :)
Along the way we took a wee detour to Ikea
to pick up a couple of the new Storsele chairs for the family room.
A bottle of red wine, prosciutto and cheese was shared over cupcake decorating....
2. What is your specialty in the kitchen?
Well, my real love is baking. Cakes, pies, squares, cookies, basically anything that qualifies as a sweet!
Since I've been told that you can't live on pastry alone (although I'm not sure if it's true),
one of the goals for this year is to get more creative with dinners -
the kids may just stage a revolt if I serve them chicken, rice and broccoli again :)
3. What is your favourite nail polish colour?
Only clear on my fingernails, because I am constantly working with paint, or glue, or a staple gun....
my toes, however get done each week, usually in the most saturated colours I can find!
4. Dogs or cats?
Oh, dogs, always dogs. We have two of the most mental chocolate labs you'll ever meet! Truly mental.
5. What is your favourite computer or phone app?
hmm... I use the Carpenter app all the time, but my favourite app's are Etsy and Pinterest.
Etsy may cost more, but I get lost in pinterest. For a long time. Must. Exit. Pinterest.
6. Who inspires you the most?
My clients. I love finding that unique solution that works for each particular client,
it's like fitting together pieces of a puzzle, and that moment when it comes together is sweet perfection.
7. If you and I were going to spend a weekend together what would you plan for us?
When I read your answer for an ideal sunday, Carol,
I thought, "hmm, break out the hunters!" because that's pretty much my ideal sunday as well!
(sleeping in, cruising markets for vintage finds)
We may have to add in some type of craft -
you're a diy wonder and I'd like to learn some of your tricks :)
And some patio time - nothing like an evening on a patio in the summertime, is there?
8. What was the best book you read last year?
It's a bit old, but I finally read Memoirs of a Geisha.
The strength of this woman throughout her struggle to control/accept her life was inspirational.
9. What's your biggest accomplishment of 2012?
I got my on-line consultations going, and it changed my business completely.
It's brilliant to be able to work with people I have gotten to know through blogging.
10. Do you like to dance?
That's our family mantra around here!
One day it struck me that our initials spelled out D.A.N.C.E,
and right now I'm working on a piece of art for the house that says,
"there ought to be more dancing".
One of the first things we do every morning is put on some music...
and then it's a common sight to see someone dancing in the kitchen :)
11. Which is your favourite, must read blog?
I don't think you can beat apartment therapy for fantastic original content,
and I love design sponge for diy.
But the main reason I read the blogs I do is because I have made a personal connection to the bloggers,
and I try to get in a visit to the all the blogs on my blogroll at least every couple of weeks,
just to see what everyone has been up to.
Personality trumps content every time.
So... now the fun begins...
Tag! You're it!
A Delightful Design
Because It's Awesome
Cardigan Junkie
Inspired Lines
Project Gadabout
Rambling Renovators
The Crafty Bee
The Enchanted Home
The Fabulous Design File
Here are your questions...
1. What is your day job?
2. Why did you start blogging?
3. What is the best thing that has come from blogging?
4. How and where do you find inspiration?
5. If you could live anywhere, where would you be?
6. Who is your favourite artist?
7. What's playing on your iPod?
8. How do you spend your day off?
9. Who would you most like to meet?
10. Best childhood memory?
11. What is your favourite colour?
You know I had to throw in that last one! Looking forward to reading all of your posts - x

wine food 1 2 3 boots&sofa market umbrella sign
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