Since it's sunny here

(sorry if it's not there, but this is the second day of sunshine and I'm riding on a bit of a high!)

it's the perfect day to announce the winner of the giveaway.....

Barbara, DIY extraordinaire, from HodgePodge
wins a color consult for a room in her home...

You guys are always requesting more pics of my work, and it may come to pass with the online consultations, because clients are taking LOTS of pics - I love it!

Since Barbara has such a creatively cool pad, 
I'm hoping she'll allow me to share before and afters with you...*wink wink*
and another blogger has graciously agreed to allow me share before and afters
 of a family room/kitchen that I've just consulted on - it's a good one, stay tuned, lovelies!

Off to a clients home today to work on a color plan for her sunroom...
and speaking of sunshine...
we've just completed a darling bedroom for her four year old daughter.

When I asked this little sweetheart her favourite color
 she looked me square in the eye, and answered, "brown and sunshine". 

Ha! I love kids :)

 We brought in some antique pieces, including a bed (for her brown), and 
painted a headboard wall of Martha Stewarts Mimosa to match the bedding she chose.

It's adorable and unique, just like her.


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